Workplace Insights

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Sharing knowledge, Igniting Ideas

Creating a better and more thoughtful workspace is what we’re all about. Check out the latest research, trends, articles, and thought leadership from our experts at Haworth to help inspire your work environment.

Woman pointing at statistics on a board

Workplace Performance

How to maximize your investment in the furniture space

Group of people working and talking at a table

Nurturing Culture

Create better work spaces designed around people

Two women using and writing on a whiteboard

Environments and Well-Being

Fostering ergonomics, health, and well-being for employees

Table with notebooks and samples on it

Inspired Design

Workspaces that inspire, motivate and engage

Fostering Well-Being With Effective Workspace Design

 Haworth has identified five themes that organizations should consider as they plan their future office design. While all five themes are important to everyone, each organization is unique in its approach—from culture and goals to geographic location and workforce demographics.

About Us

Immersive Technology

We can’t do our work without some form of technology—and we all learned how to connect via virtual tools to access resources, both information and people. The Internet of Things (IoT) will make connection in space more seamless than ever before.

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Space Shift

In the new world of hybrid work, people have more choice of where to work and this new workforce autonomy will cause layouts to shift to less density. The office becomes better tuned to serve physical, emotional, and cognitive needs.

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More Collaboration

Hybrid work brings more choice in where to work, but the office is the hub for collaboration and culture— connection and togetherness for group work will be more critical than ever.

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More Human

The office should be a place where people want to be—safe, comfortable, and welcoming with a vibe that attracts people, supports well-being, and merges hospitality.

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Focus to Restore

People need spaces that protect from burnout and support wellbeing— places to recharge and restore from intense collaboration and focus work, and where they can explore or happen upon great ideas.

Four chairs surrounding a circular table

Our Designs

We love what we do, and that passion is evident in all of our work

Brigholme has worked with dozens of high profile clients to deliver the ultimate in high-performance, flexible and customizable furniture systems.

We invite you to browse through a showcase of our recent work.

Looking To Create An Inspiring Workspace?